Online Customer Service:
Mon - Fri: 10am - 4pm
For all web enquiries please email:

Stockist Information
Looking to sell your wares via Oklahoma? We get it, why wouldn't you want to sell your things here? However, please keep in mind that you're not alone! We get a heap of emails from potential stockists every week. Below are a few guidelines if you are thinking about getting in touch. Keep it short and sweet. We need hard facts. No life stories and family history (really, you'd be surprised).
Please email the following to
- Great products that fit our brand!
- Good, clear images of the great products
- Detailed product specifications (size, material, how was it made? etc)
- Wholesale prices and RRP
If we're interested, we'll defo be in touch! Please don't be disappointed if you don't hear from us. We'd love to be able to respond to each email with helpful feedback but we're a small business and there just aren't enough hours in the day, ya know? It doesn't mean that what you're doing isn't wonderful, it's just not right for us at this time.